Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ode To School

Mass of brick, cement and stone,
Amidst whose walls we have grown.
Buildings three, church with steeples high,
To my dear school I now bid good-bye.

Early in the year 1864, the school was born,
With name St. Mary's, Mazgaon it did adorn.
Eleven years we spent, making a lot of trouble,
In class, canteen and on grounds double.
Marians will always remain the same every year,
For in the midst of a battle, "Fight" we'll cheer!
The passion in the Inter-house games we take,
Along with the lamest of jokes we love to make.

When others ate half of our pizzas we'd whine,
But we'd bully "kiddies" to "Ghusao" in the line!
In the short breaks Vada Paos we did eat,
And we'd fight in the bus for the window seat.

In the school bus starting a water fight,
In the middle of class having a quick bite.
In the back of our books Hangman we play,
While those periods just seem to pass away.

Times when we'd anticipate the bell to ring,
And times when the school anthem we'd sing.
"Mary Mary Mary ISC", we'd passionately say,
Are memories which in my mind will always stay.

In this world we'll turn to be men so good,
That in our happiness there surely would…
Be a time we'll proudly say in our joys,

"Hurrah We Are ST. MARY'S BOYS!!!"

- By Anant Goyal (2009 Batch)
  He wrote this on his last day at school and subsequently Anant has published his
  own book of poems.

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