Friday 5 July 2013

How St. Mary's Road Got It's Name in 1924

This road which connects Mazagon Road with Nesbit Road was constructed by the Improvement Trust in 1924. At that time one of our old boys Dr. Anthony F. Henriques L.R.C.P. & S. (Edin.), L.F.P. & S. (Glas.) J.P. Honorary Presidency Magistrate, Bombay happened to be one of the nominated members of the Bombay Municipal Corporation.
Grateful to his Alma Mater, as all our old students are, Dr. Henriques thought of getting this road named “St. Mary’s Road” after St. Mary’s High School (as it was then called), to which this road leads. He sought an interview with Sir Hugh Clayton, the then Municipal Commissioner and suggested to him that this road should be named “St. Mary’s Road.” Knowing as he did that St. Mary’s High School was a great asset to Bombay where hundreds of boys, without any distinction in caste or creed, received their education, Sir Hugh at once fell in with the idea of Dr. Henriques and requested him to send the necessary Notice of Motion to the Corporation. This was done and on 4th September 1924 the following resolution was unanimously passed by the Corporation.
In accordance with Notice of Motion No. 5785 was proposed by Dr. A. F. Henriques :-
“That the Commissioner be informed that the corporation are of the opinion that the newly constructed road at Mazagon connecting Mazagon Road with Nesbit Road be named “St. Mary’s Road” after it is handed over to the Municipality by the Improvement Trust.”
The Motion was seconded by Mrs. Harry Hodgkinson and carried.

This is how one of our old boys has perpetuated the name of his Alma Mater. We are grateful to Dr. Henriques for his kind thought.

- Excerpt from St. Mary's School Magazine of 1939

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