Saturday 23 November 2013

Inaugural Function Road Diversion Details

Dear Friends,
MCGM has started the concretisation process of Nesbit Road to coincide with our 150th year celebrations.
Access to school from JJ Road --> Nesbit Road railway bridge is CLOSED.  
Nesbit Road has been made one way from Sales Tax office across the Railway Bridge till it joins JJ Road. 
Below are two alternative access routes to the school.  You can see them using either the Google Maps links or the attached files.
Route 1 - From next to JJ Hospital via St. Mary's Road or Sales Tax Office
Route 2 - From Byculla Police Station via Love Lane (lane next to Prince Aly Khan Hospital)
Please Note:
1.  Considering the road works and traffic, you are advised to allow for about 10-15 minutes extra in your travel time.
2.  There are no parking facilities on the school grounds.
3.  Where possible car pooling, use of drivers or public transport is advised.

- Posted by 
Alumni Database Co-ordinator
St. Mary's 150 Years Office

Friday 1 November 2013

A Sunday afternoon with St. Mary's 150th Year Facebook Page's competition winners!

A short while ago a competition was held on Facebook to identify Mr.Giles Rebello in a couple of staff pictures from an old school magazine. Kenneth Mascarenhas & I were the lucky winners. By coincidence we were both from the same class-"The Class of 1968". The prize was a Sunday Brunch for 2 at Neel-Tote on the Turf restaurant. A suggestion was put forward by the social media cell that we should both go together with our wives & invite Mr.Giles Rebello to join us. It was an excellent suggestion which we both appreciated tremendously. Kenneth approached Mr. Rebello as they live close to each other & he readily agreed to join us.

The brunch on Sunday, 27th. October 2013 was an extremely enjoyable & memorable experience for both of us. I met Mr. Rebello for the first time after leaving school in 1968-an unbelievable 45 years! I recognized our popular English teacher immediately and you won't believe he looked very much the same after all these years!

Kenneth and I spent a lovely afternoon with Mr. Rebello, Kenneth's wife Lynette and my wife Roshan. We talked of old times & how mischievous some of our classmates were. He recollected many incidents like the times when he u
sed to allow us to listen to the cricket commentary in the last row in his class and being very fond of cricket himself, he had to be immediately informed every time a wicket fell! He also remembered the famous "kheema gutli" & "bun chop" which was always available in the school canteen. We also fondly remembered many of our old teachers who are now no more.

After a delicious brunch we left with the promise and hope of meeting up again with many more of our teachers and batchmates during the 150th year celebrations of our beloved ST.MARY'S SCHOOL (ICSE). Kenneth dropped Mr Rebello home and he told us that he would definitely try to come to St Mary's for at least one of the functions during this landmark year.

- Article by Behram Colah (Batch of 1968)
     Pictures courtesy Behram Colah & Kenneth Mascarenhas
     (Edited version of the article)